Early Closing Notice: NKHS will close at 3 pm on Friday, 1/24, to celebrate and recognize our amazing and dedicated staff at our Annual Employee Banquet. If you are seeking urgent mental health care, please don’t hesitate to call or text 988, reach out to Mobile Crisis at 800-649-0118, or visit the NKHS Front Porch, 235 Lakemont Road, Newport City, VT, 802-624-4016.

Starting Over Strong Vermont

Starting Over Strong VT is a program that helps people recover and rebuild their lives after a disaster. Join the support group to share your experiences with the recent flood and come together as a community to learn skills on how to cope with the aftermath.

If you or someone you know needs support with the flood recovery, please get in touch with us:

Phone: 802-424-5368

Email: [email protected]